I love to see how creative everyone gets with their Aphesis pics! Here is one sent to me from Matt of Lawton, OK.  Thanks Matt for sending me this awesome picture!

Email me your pics of you rocking your Aphesis gear to acastellanos@aphesisclothing.com and you might end up in the Customer Spotlight.

Cyber Monday Sale!!

November 29, 2010

Cyber Monday sale going on! All shirts $10 at www.aphesisclothing.com Sizes are very limited, so get to it!

I now have a tumblr and you can now ask me questions and stuff.

Before you start making assumptions let me explain. Last night I had a dream that Denzel Washington was forcing me to buy him a Christmas gift. First he told me to buy him clothes, then he said, “You know what, forget the clothes, buy me cologne.” So I bought him YSL.

I lead

November 23, 2010

Years ago when I began to dream and set goals for myself I was doing it for me. In the last few years things have changed some. I no longer lead for myself, but those who have been placed in my life for me to lead.  I refuse to be ordinary because my children and wife will be extraordinary. I lead because I’m called to be a leader. I dream because my dreams are the beginning of bigger dreams, my children’s dreams.

In case of emergency

November 22, 2010

I ran into this the other day while looking through the work of different artists.

This was designed by artist, Tom Frencken who states, ” This cabinet keeps a bible to prevent you from reading it until it’s absolutely necessary.”  Tell me what you think of this.

Christmas Wish List pt 2

November 19, 2010

What time is it kids?! It’s time for Aaron of Aphesis’ Christmas Wish List pt 2!!

So this first one is a small and simple one, but I thought it was pretty cool. It’s called the Kindness Dice. Basically it’s a dice that you roll and whatever act it lands on you have to do for someone on that day. Your acts include: Pay someone a compliment today, smile at someone today, help someone today, give someone a present today, tell someone you love them today, and give someone a hug today. I know we should not wait for dice to do this, but it would be fun to roll and see what it lands on.

This is every boy’s/men’s dream. The ultimate Nerf gun!

The Bendable Bike. Created by 21yo designer Kevin Scott

Suitcase stickers by thecheeky.com. I don’t approve of a few of their stickers, but I thought this one was cool.

I’ll have more stuff coming soon on my Christmas Wishlist pt 3

Keepin it 100

November 16, 2010

Let me start off by saying that yesterday I had one of those moments where I just broke down. Yes, me, Aaron Castellanos, owner of Aphesis Clothing, husband of a beautiful woman, father of two beautiful daughters, God fearing, super positive dude, had a break down yesterday. These moments rarely happen, but when they do, they DO.

So why the break down? Well, there’s always a struggle going on inside of me. A battle between me knowing that I’m called to do something HUGE, and my current circumstances. If you know you’re called to do something HUGE, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. You have this passion burning inside of you, but what you see before your eyes, your current circumstances, does not match up.  It does not make the slightest sense how you will get from here to there.

So you have these days where you ask yourself, “Why can’t you be happy with just having a good job, make good money, and live an OK life?” But you can’t. This passion, that at times you even hate, is greater than any bad day. It’s greater than your current circumstances. It’s more powerful than any negative words that have ever been spoken over your life or your dream. This passion just won’t let you go.  You see, you were called to something not big, but HUGE. And at times you feel like an outcast, looking around and seeing how most people are living just to live. But not you, you refuse to settle for just anything. Somehow, someway, your passion will line up with what you see before your eyes. And on that day, lives will be changed as they see this be transformed from words to reality. Don’t let go.

Moroccan Pizza

November 15, 2010

If you know me then you know that my favorite food is pizza. I love tasting different pizzas from different places. This past weekend I had the opportunity to taste a Moroccan pizza from Medina Oven and Bar.  A combination of pesto, mozzarella, goat cheese,green olives, fresh basil, and chicken, create this wonderful Rosemary Chicken Pizza.  It was sooooo good!

New things on the way

November 9, 2010

There are lots of new things happening right now. On this post I want to spotlight two of my good buddies, Dustin Cavazos and Moses Uvere. Both have new projects that are being worked on, and both have great websites that recently went up. Check them out and stay up to date with what’s coming! Also, I have been working on a new Aphesis logo that will soon be introduced, so keep checking back!