Inspiration lately

October 21, 2011



Man Up Dallas (recap)

October 17, 2011

First of all I want to apologize for two things. #1, for the quality of my pics. I’m praying I’m able to get a hold of a new camera, with better quality. #2, for the lack of event pics. I didn’t really have time to fully enjoy the event being that I was at my booth most of the time. I was fortunate to have amazing help from my good friend’s Moses and Juan, so I was able to sneak in here and there.

 So really the only pics I was able to take were of some improvements I’ve made with my booth set up. Enjoy! 

One of the things that makes Aphesis stand out is the fact that each shirt carries a meaning. So now I run with that in mind and make it available for people to stop and read what each shirt means.

Big shout out to my co-workers Carolyn and Brittany for helping me put together these thought bubbles.

Can you find the small mistake my wife and I made on this board? Didn’t notice it till later. Whoops!


Here is the only pic I was able to take the one time I snuck in. 4,000 people!!!

The event definitely was life changing for many people. We showed up at around 3:30pm, and there were people already lined up outside waiting for 5:30 to come around. The event kicked off with a premier of the new Man Up movie, followed by a concert that had everyone going bazurk!!(is that you spell that word?) The whole event was an incredible experience, and it was awesome to be able to see the amazing things God is continuing to do through Reach Records.

Big thanks to those of you who purchased a shirt, stopped by to talk to me, and allowed me the opportunity to pray with you. Please follow Aphesis on Facebook to stay updated on what’s going on.

Man Up Tour

October 5, 2011

I’m super excited to anounce that I will be taking Aphesis to an event that I know is going to make a huge impact on our culture today. Reach Records presents the Man Up Tour.

This a tour to promote Reach Record’s new short film that is a part of a movement to call all men in the hip-hop culture to step up and be the man God has called them to be. I encourage you all to make it a priority to be there.


October 4, 2011

As of the end of October will not be available. Don’t’ worry, this does not mean that Aphesis is going down. I am in a transition point with a few things, and the Aphesis website is one of them. Please follow Aphesis on Facebook at, on Twitter at , or go straight to our online store at My blog will continue to be updated, so keep checking back.

Thank you guys for your patience and cooperation as we transition into a new season of greater things!
