Jammin to lately

November 16, 2011

Been hooked on this Andy Mineo mixtape! Good stuff! You can download it for free here.

Man Up Dallas (recap)

October 17, 2011

First of all I want to apologize for two things. #1, for the quality of my pics. I’m praying I’m able to get a hold of a new camera, with better quality. #2, for the lack of event pics. I didn’t really have time to fully enjoy the event being that I was at my booth most of the time. I was fortunate to have amazing help from my good friend’s Moses and Juan, so I was able to sneak in here and there.

 So really the only pics I was able to take were of some improvements I’ve made with my booth set up. Enjoy! 

One of the things that makes Aphesis stand out is the fact that each shirt carries a meaning. So now I run with that in mind and make it available for people to stop and read what each shirt means.

Big shout out to my co-workers Carolyn and Brittany for helping me put together these thought bubbles.

Can you find the small mistake my wife and I made on this board? Didn’t notice it till later. Whoops!


Here is the only pic I was able to take the one time I snuck in. 4,000 people!!!

The event definitely was life changing for many people. We showed up at around 3:30pm, and there were people already lined up outside waiting for 5:30 to come around. The event kicked off with a premier of the new Man Up movie, followed by a concert that had everyone going bazurk!!(is that you spell that word?) The whole event was an incredible experience, and it was awesome to be able to see the amazing things God is continuing to do through Reach Records.

Big thanks to those of you who purchased a shirt, stopped by to talk to me, and allowed me the opportunity to pray with you. Please follow Aphesis on Facebook to stay updated on what’s going on.

Unashamed Tour recap pt 2

November 3, 2010

As many of you know, two weekends ago I took Aphesis out to be a part of the Unashamed Tour. This is by far one of the best events Aphesis has ever been a part of. As I mentioned before, I was so busy setting up and running the booth with my friend Ryan, that I forgot to take pics. So I asked my good friend Rebekah Hudson, who is an amazing photographer, to come to the rescue.

Aphesis booth

This is my friend Ryan modeling without even knowing.

Here is some random,good looking fella who loved to constantly straighen the shirts. Freak!

Sho Baraka


Trip Lee

Man, I want this shirt!


116 Click

I can sum up the event with a few words: Excellence, spirit filled, life changing, and of course, CRUNK. Seriously, the event was something that will forever be with me. Not only because of the way God is using the 116 Click, but all the amazing people who showed us love that night. Thanks to everyone who continues to believe in Aphesis. Great things are coming! And make sure to show Rebekah Hudson some love for her amazing work!

Unashamed Tour recap part 1

October 26, 2010

Two weekends ago I took Aphesis out to the Unashamed Tour in Ft. Worth. I apologize for the crappy pics. I always want to take great pics with a real camera instead of my iPhone, but I get too busy and forget. If anyone is interested in being my official photographer and videographer, holla at me. =0)

Here are a few pics I took with my phone. I promise to get you guys better pics soon!

I always love to see how a place is transformed before and after people arrive.



I was so excited to be there, and it was great meeting all sorts of new awesome people! Thanks to everyone who showed Aphesis love through a shirt purchase or a kind word. Also, shout out to my boy Ryan who came out to help me. I had a blast kickin it with Ryan, and he made things a lot easier! Thanks Ryan!

Stay tuned for better pics and a more detailed blog.

 Next event on our calendar:


Trip Lee show in DFW

August 10, 2010

This past weekend I had the opportunity to take Aphesis to one of my favorite hip hop artist show.

Don’t forget Moses Uvere and myself will be in Houston this weekend! Check out the video below for more info.