It’s coming

May 9, 2011

If you follow my blog you’ve noticed that I’ve been posting some sneak peeks of a new design being released soon. I’m trying to get every little thing lined up before I release an exact date, but I promise I will be releasing that soon.

It’s been almost 2 years since I printed something new, and I’m super excited about releasing this design. So much has happened since the last time I printed a shirt. I have been challenged in so many ways, including my finances, creativity, and spiritually. I’ve been able to really focus on having my priorities set. 1. God 2. Family 3. Everything else

 When you don’t see things moving or happening the way you would like things to happen, its easy to begin to question or doubt whether what you’re doing is a waste of time. But it’s moments like these that strip us of our self dependency, and it’s moments like these that have brought me back to the place I began, and that was trusting and depending on God to guide me with a every decision I make, and every design I release. 

With this being said, keep your eyes open and keep checking the blog for further details. It’s coming!

You might remember a while back I mentioned that I had the privilege to receive one on one advice from Norm Brodsky, “Street Smarts” columnist and senior contributing editor for Inc. Magazine  (read about it here) .  Shortly after our conversation I was asked if I would be ok with this being featured in April’s issue of Inc. Magazine. My first initial thought was, “I don’t want anyone to know about the mistakes I’ve made with Aphesis, and if I were to ever be featured in Inc. Magazine I want it to be for my accomplishments, not my mistakes.” Then I was reminded that Aphesis is not  all about me or my name, and if my mistakes can steer someone away from making the same mistakes, then so be it.  Just like there’s been many successes with Aphesis, there’s also been many mistakes, and this is one of them.

With that being said, check out this month’s “Street Smarts” column, featuring yours truly.