You might remember a while back I mentioned that I had the privilege to receive one on one advice from Norm Brodsky, “Street Smarts” columnist and senior contributing editor for Inc. Magazine  (read about it here) .  Shortly after our conversation I was asked if I would be ok with this being featured in April’s issue of Inc. Magazine. My first initial thought was, “I don’t want anyone to know about the mistakes I’ve made with Aphesis, and if I were to ever be featured in Inc. Magazine I want it to be for my accomplishments, not my mistakes.” Then I was reminded that Aphesis is not  all about me or my name, and if my mistakes can steer someone away from making the same mistakes, then so be it.  Just like there’s been many successes with Aphesis, there’s also been many mistakes, and this is one of them.

With that being said, check out this month’s “Street Smarts” column, featuring yours truly.

Great news!

September 27, 2010

Some of you may remember a tweet I posted a few months back where I stated that I was working on setting Aphesis up to take cards at events. Well, the time has arrived! After months of working with the great people at Square, Inc.(might know them from a small site called,  Twitter), things are finally ready and set to go!

So what does this mean for you? Well, if you ever come to an event where Aphesis will be attending, and you only have a debit or credit card, you will now be able to make payment right then and there, and go home with an Aphesis product! Also, if you ever see me somewhere and want to place an order, I will now be able to take payment on the spot! This gets even more amazing! Right after a payment is made, you will have the option to receive an emailed or text receipt!

I may not be making HUGE steps with Aphesis at this point,but I am moving forward.